Rule Variations:
Total list of rule variations that are used by All Fours players
in Trinidad:
Number of players:
4 Players: All Fours.
2 Players: All Two’s (same rules as All Fours).
Two types of games:
-14 point(chalk) game(regular).
-7 point(chalk) game.
-Regular Scoring: Ace is one point, Six is two points and Jack is
three points.
-Tobago rules: Ace is one point. Two is 2 points and Jack is three
Following suit:
Different options to be enforced by the computer:
-Force follow suit for all suits.
-Force follow suit only for trump suit.
-Don’t force follow suit at all.
In offline play, computer always follows suit and will not be able
to reneed(Renege).
Reneed(also known as Renege) penalty
- No Reneed-this option is always available, no matter if there
is follow suit option or not.
- Reneed on any suit is 14 points penalty. (if force follow trump
is on, then this will only be for the non-trump suits).
- Reneed on Trump is 14 point penalty, 1 point on other suits. (if
force follow trump is on then this will only be for the non-trump
- Reneed on any suit is 1 point penalty (if force follow trump is
on, then this will only be for the non-trump suits).
- Reneed on any suit is 1 point penalty and 14 points for trump
if the person who cheats has 1 trump card in his hand which is the
jack of trump, otherwise 1 point if that person reneeds with the
trump suit. This is when there is bare jack in your hand and you
- Reneed on any suit is 1 point penalty and 14 points for trump
if the person who reneeds has the 10,jack,queen,king or ace of in
their hand, otherwise 1 if that person reneeds with the trump suit.
If there is force follow suit option on all suits, you cannot have
reneed option at all in the game(reneed options are blanked out).
If there is force follow suit for trump only, you can only reneed
on other non-trump suits. There will be a 1 point or 14 point penalty
option in this case.
Game Point
-Normal scoring: reneeding doesn’t affect the game point.
-Whichever team reneeds first in a round automatically cannot get
the point for game (this option is only available if reneed option
is activated).
Under trump penalty
“If trump is not called and trump is played by somebody else
and then you play a lower trump,” this is a undertrump.
- No penalty
- Automatic 1 point penalty against person who undertrumps.
- Automatic 14 point penalty against person who undertrumps.
- Person can beg or not beg whenever they want.
- Person forced to beg if they have no trump cards in their hand.
Hang Jack scoring
-1 point for Hang Jack (this option is available for 7 point all
-3 Points for Hang Jack.
Bullseye is the general term for when you lose 14 points. When you
win the game you “sing the bullseye”: Teams start to
chant in tournament
Different rule variations for tournaments. 6 day all fours rules:
Jelico rules. There is also 4 day all fours rules. Different tournaments
in Trinidad have different rules.
Queries about the above rules can be directed to
All of the above rule variations will be available in version 2.0 of the All Fours Computer Game
Version 1.0 of the All Fours Computer Game uses the following rule settings:
Force follow suit for all suits
No reneed/Renege (follow suit is already forced)
Regular kicking
Normal scoring for game point
No undertrump penalty
You can beg whenever you want
3 points for hang jack